Summits: 1380

Sep 8 – Oct 12 » Montana, Idaho, Wyoming

8-Sep      Glacier NP
9-Sep      Glacier NP (Mt Oberlin)
10-Sep    Glacier NP
11-Sep    Missoula, catch up with Thomas Schaffnit
12-Sep    Lolo Peak (w/ Thomas)
13-Sep    Medicine Point and Rocky Knob
14-Sep    Sula, Blue Nose, Horse Creek Hot Springs
15-Sep    Trapper Peak (w/Thomas)
16-Sep    Rest Hamilton
17-Sep    Grave Peak (ID)
18-Sep    Rest
19-Sep    Rest
20-Sep    Falconberry
21-Sep    Rest
22-Sep    Rest
23-Sep    Thompson (w/ Jacob Kallman)
24-Sep    Thompson
25-Sep    Craters of the Moon
26-Sep    Idaho Falls
27-Sep    Drive
28-Sep    Cirque of the Towers
29-Sep    Cirque of the Towers (Warbonnet Peak)
30-Sep    Cirque of the Towers
1-Oct       Cirque of the Towers
2-Oct       Yellowstone
3-Oct       Yellowstone and Avalanche Peak (w/Thomas)
4-Oct       Hollowtop (MT, w/Thomas)
5-Oct       Yellowstone
6-Oct       Teton Crest Trail
7-Oct       Teton Crest Trail
8-Oct       Teton Crest Trail (Static Peak summit)
9-Oct       Teton Crest Trail
10-Oct     Pinedale
11-Oct      Pinedale
12-Oct     Flaming Gorge