Summits: 1421

October 26, 2010

Kwaay Paay (SDC #92, 1194′) • mapdirections

Kwaay Paay is one of 5 main summits within Mission Trails Regional Park, and offers the steepest trail of the bunch. Its one of my favorite local peaks for training or just a quick jaunt to get the calves burning. Also of interest is that Kwaay Paay’s west face is home to San Diego’s largest inner-city rock climbing crag, Mission Gorge.

Anna and I hiked Kwaay Paay after work on a Tuesday night, making sure to park outside of the gate that would be locked upon our return on Father Junipero Serra Rd. Steep and direct, we made the summit by headlamp in under 30 minutes. The top of Kwaay Paay is huge and nearly flat, and the actual highpoint is not obvious, though the best views are from a rock outcropping overlooking the west side of the mountain about 30 feet off of the trail. Though I’d been on Kwaay Paay many times, I’d never concerned myeslf with the actual highpoint. This particular trip though I figured I’d take a stab at it. I left the trail on its east side and to my surprise I walked right into a clearing within some bushes and found a summit register. Anna and I signed in and reversed the route.


No pics due to this being a night hike…


Kwaay Paay stats: 2.4 miles roundtrip, 900 feet gain/loss