Summits: 1421

2015: April 28-29 » Nelson, Pleasant, Inyo, Keynot

Straight from San Diego to the Nelson Range on the southwest side of Death Valley, an easy hike led to its summit, boasting views of Saline Valley and a register placed by Sam Fink in 1968. I then turned my sights onto Pleasant Point in the Inyo Mountains, passing through the amazing ghost town of Cerro Gordo along the way. The following day, I tagged both Inyo and Keynot Mountains in a long 7000′ gain dayhike. The highlight of my quick trip – running into Matt Jones, a coworker from fifteen years previous, who was the caretaker for Cerro Gordo for the week! An unbelievable coincidence. After my hike of Pleasant Point, we caught up over dinner and drinks right there in the ghost town…