Summits: 1415

2011: December 18 » Sunrise Hwy Snow and El Capitan

     Still not hiking due to a knee injury, I couldn’t resist seeing snow in the mountains I’ve spent so much time in, so I took a drive on San Diego’s Sunrise Highway, pulling over frequently to take photos and peer down into Anza Borrego. I also brought my kayak, hoping to paddle Lake Cuyamaca in the snow but “no kayaks allowed” at Cuyamaca led to my backup plan of paddling the El Capitan Reservoir on my way home. The forecast called for the rain to stop my mid-morning, but it was still raining at 1pm when I arrived at El Capitan, so I took a nap and read a book in my truck at the nearby trailhead for El Cajon mountain. My laziness paid off with a surprisingly impressive paddle in the El Capitan reservoir, sunshine, paddling through trees, great mountain scenery, and a curious hidden bird. Great day…